Inspirational webinar on circular models in energy business, design and technology. Hosted by, introduced by Sara Gilissen.
Peter Van Hout (Researcher sustainable technology and lecturer sustainable resources – UCLL) starts with a State of the art about circular and renewable energy in the Euregion. Then three speakers share their insights into technology, design and business models.
Tom Rommens (Vito – Circular PV: lessons from the CIRCUSOL project) will talk about photovoltaic solar panels and the lessons from CIRCUSOL. It stands for “Circular Business Models for the Solar Power Industry” and is an innovative project supported by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission. CIRCUSOL started in June 2018 and runs for four years.
Frederik Monnaie (Non-Metallic Materials expert – Engie – Laborelec) will lead the way on wind and talk about ‘Recycling of Wind Turbines Blades’.
Finally, Frederik Peigneux (Co-Founder and Business Intelligence Officer – Watt4ever) will talk about batteries and asks the question: “How will circular batteries from E-mobility power the energy transition for industries?”
Inspiring speakers with inspiring stories about circular business models that are sure to give you energy. This master class will be held in English and will also allow for questions in a panel discussion.