Wild boar skin as a waste stream. Yes, these skins are very stiff and therefore completely ignored. Unjustified, according to the artistic research of designers Lore Langendries and Rayah Wauters. Together, they have carried out all kinds of processing on wild boar skin, whether or not in combination with wood. The first results can be seen in Please do touch, an exhibition in Z33. But the duo wants to go even further and invites all kinds of crafts or métiers in WILDfest to also apply their techniques on this material.

In the exhibition Please do touch, on display until 15 August in Z33, Lore Langendries and Rayah Wauters show the first results of theirWILD-project. In it, they explore together the expressive and aesthetic possibilities of wild boar skin and wood. The skin of wild boar is particularly tough and is therefore regarded as a waste product that cannot be used. However, this is beyond the expertise of Lore Langedries. After all, this year’s Henry van de Velde Young Designer is showing off with special treatments on these skins and found a kindred spirit in woodworker Rayah – Atelier Nauwau – Wauters. Together, they started using the boar hide as wood (whether or not glued to real wood) and then tested numerous treatments on it.
Langendries and Wauters organise together with Z33 a master class WILDfestijn, aimed at makers who have experience in working with materials from their own craft (think of: weaving, braiding, filing, grinding, felting, modelling, sewing, sanding, cutting, …). Those who are interested can apply before 1 July. The masterclass is limited to 10 participants and will take place on Saturday 23 July. More information can be found here.