From cars to washing machines, Tapazz develops sharing solutions so that products are used more efficiently by different users.
The car is an excellent example of a product that is used today inefficiently. 90% of the time the car is stationary and yet everyone has one. That’s why Tapazz develops easy-to-use soft and hardware that allows more people to share the same product. This reduces emissions, makes material use more efficient and more available public space.

“Convincing users
Maarten Kooiman – ceo Tapazz
that access to a product
may be more interesting than owning it,
that is the greatest challenge.”
The car is not offered as a product but as a service to the end user. The supplier then has every interest in making the product as sustainable as possible. For example, a provider is a building promoter, co-working space or city that wants to offer its users mobility as an additional service.

To enable partial solutions, smart product, service and system combinations must be designed (product-service-system design). For example, by integrating smart locks into existing cars and developing software that gives different users access, a car-sharing system is created for a specific target group.
That principle can also be applied to buildings, parking lots, washing machines, … applied. The challenge is to design the system as user-friendly as possible so that the threshold to get into the subsystem becomes as low as possible. According to Maarten Kooiman (Ceo of Tapazz), this is still one of the biggest challenges. Convincing users that access to a product can be more interesting than owning it, acces about ownership!