Meet the expert: Jan huysman, sector manager Creative Economy at POM Limburg and focuses within the project among others on business development.

Jan huysman (°1983)
Function: Sector manager Creative Economy at POM Limburg
Residence: Zonhoven, Belgium
Favourite place in the Euregio:
” Hard to choose given the good location Zonhoven in the green lung of our province Limburg and the proximity of Maastricht and Aachen.”
“I regularly use the Voer-region and Vaals as a base for a weekend trip (of discovery).”
What is your favorite (design) design, product (in your life/work/interior)?
“My oriental furniture from L’Artisan in Aachen.” The metal and copper finishes of the furniture create a warm glow and homely atmosphere.”
I dream of this design product or item and hope to have it someday:
“At the moment I have my eye on the Belmar set with 8 cake slices by Liane Castermans because it unites Belgian and Moroccan culture in one service.”

I find this inspiring
design story/
“There are many inspiring examples such as companies like JBC and Veldeman Bedding that do business in a socially responsible way and make an effort for people and the environment. They do this through a conscious choice of materials, such as recycled PET and Post consumer waste denim.”

“Veldeman in turn then excels with their Velda Resleep, the first fully circular sleeping system.”
I find this an inspiring book that everyone should read: And why?
“The book the Creativity and the City‘ by Simon Franke and Evert Verhagen.
“As I am also convinced that ‘human creativity’ is the engine of economic growth. Cities where talent, technology and tolerance go hand in hand have an edge in this regard.”

These are the movies, tv shows, websites/links, podcasts that I myself loved
and i wish someone had tipped me off much earlier:
“One of my favourite films is ‘Big Fish’ by Tim Burton because there is a fine line between ‘fantasy’ and ‘reality’ with a very nice ending where everything falls into place.”

These are must follows online:
And why?
“The web platform is a good base that paints a picture of the Limburg creative and commercial design sector.”

I find this an inspiring quote or a beautiful life motto: And why?
“You’re not Atlas
a quote of my own that I often use to mean that you are not burdened like Atlas with carrying the heavens on your shoulders.”
“This then turns seamlessly into ‘Shoemaker stick to your last’.
and focus on things that also give you energy.”
This is what I wish for the world,
and for
“The world, and its inhabitants:
greater awareness of their own impact on nature and their ecological ‘footprint’.
Finding the right balance in this is crucial, not least to ensure ‘living conditions’ for future generations.