Meet the expert: Jan Leyssens, Co-founder and designer at switchrs.

Jan Leyssens (°1987)
Function: Co-founder and designer at switchrs
Place of residence: Ghent
Children: I have two children aged 7 and 5, number 3 is due for early October.
Favourite place in the Euregio:
“Although I love to travel around, the city of Ghent remains the place where I feel most at home.”
What is your favorite (design) design, product (in your life/work/interior)?
“My Brompton, I cycle a lot of kilometres every week and a folding bike is indispensable to get around for someone like me who doesn’t have a car.”

I dream of this design product or item and hope to have it someday:
I have very little need for more stuff.
I find this inspiring
design story/
It is the organization that has taken design out of the art and craftsmanship sphere and has started to apply more in the mainstream as mindset and methodology.”
This is an inspiring book that everyone should have read:

The invention of nature
Alexander Von Humboldt’s New World
A beautiful biography of a scientist who completely shaped our worldview, and who was at the root of various world-changing theories.
These are the movies, tv shows, websites/links, podcasts that I myself loved
and i wish someone had tipped me off much earlier:
These are must follows online (instagram/linkedin/blogs/websites)
MIT Technology Review
the Correspondent
“de Correspondent is the only way to publish articles that do not lose their relevant ones after one day.”

“MIT Technology Review provides interesting insights into new research, while Uning takes the time to approach the madness of the world in an empathetic way.”
This is an inspiring quote or beautiful life motto:
“Die gefährlichste Weltanschauung ist die Weltanschauung derer, die die Welt nie angeschaut haben.”
Alexander Von Humboldt
Von Humboldt had a huge problem with the fact that many of the scientists who published publications on biology never came out of their lab to see biology in action.
Today, this analogy can be applied to many more subject areas and professions than just biologists.
I wish the world
Building on the above quote:
I wish everyone a lot of wonder and the opportunity to get started with that wonder.
Fewer opinions based on assumptions and more experiences that confront us with our own prejudices.